vieborg écrit: Ben je ne suis pas fou c’est tout !
Si un étalon ne donne pas de produits allant en course, pourquoi l’utiliser ?
at present since you were on TV and defended Bold Eagle at that time 10ke +10Ke
- how much horses are running ?
- made with small breeders?
- made with big breeders ?
- trained with small trainers ?
- trained with big trainers ?
- how much have big top Vincennes drivers?
Today the price of Bold E is now 2000e RNR & 10ke
- here is what the critics said " the price is not excessive , but he produces better standardbred"
...... on the same time they said FTB - will produce better
in my conclusion
- i think Bold Eagle is well constructed
- he is not combattant like his father , he was based on speed ( which does not bother me)
- the horse to my studies scores higher in accélération genetic.............., than FTB
- FTB is the so called souche very well exploited by le chef JPD( in his era) , while in the generation of the "F" made two bummers FW & FY
- Today we open the 1st page of the Paris Turf - what we will notice all horses of the JPD era & Ready Cash - running in Vincennes
- We listen to Equidia - they only talks about these stallions off-springs , just because these horses are exploited by the elite top trainers who make etalons , and with Vincennes cream of creams the drivers
- we listen to courtiers
and the bring up stories of value marchant of these same stallions listed above
- we go to Arqana , the first and second days are mostly the selection of the same as my above example
- on the generation of the "G"....... Gente Di Roma was top price -> where is he today?
- while only vulgar mouthed top elite trainer of Vincennes ( SG) insulted my Gainsborough in the boxes - > just to say in the end he's a fking asshole - because karma got him and will again and again -> Tomorrow Never Dies
-now about H.Man - is the marriage of the old JPD & souche RC -> but what he's got for him , the best courtier in France , F.Sauque , who have the richest clients to buy this eventual stallion for at least 40 50kE
- I happen to like F.K ( and will go to him) with RS
- and if it's a male , and he's let's say , he got to be really really good , to pass his father in performance and i can make an etalon and end up to the moyen gamme Haras (Sassy & Fligny) ( no problem)
- this is a nice debate
of dreams , genetics , let's debate