Assises de l’élevage

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

Si nous n'ouvrons pas le Stud, pourquoi ne pas alors créer un programme pour chevaux de 2,3 et 4 ans fermés au TF.
Ainsi lorsqu'ils arriveront à 5 ans avec les notre (une fois le C5 passé), ils aurait de vrais gains et ne piqueraient le pognons de personne ?
Merci pour ce message de la part de : iroisebleue
04 Mar 2022 19:51 #91

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Réponse de 100OR sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

Dans le même style, pourquoi ne pas créer un PMU europeen? qui "sponsoriserait" les courses TF hors territoire France avec des allocations identiques à celles de nos provinces?
Merci pour ce message de la part de : iroisebleue
05 Mar 2022 22:20 #92

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

Honestly you tow my dear confreres - let's start with one subject and finish it

Please do not us debate, and propose at least 2 stallions for one generation today and debate

Now I will open the BALL-ROOM

I would only tolerate stallions coming from the USA

As far as I am concerned their stallions are well-bred and the best Chef de Race in Equides - wiping out the whole EU studbook including the TF

As for you 1000GR - You said recently that there's no Star's Pride alive in France
- Yes you are super right because he made some champions sons
- Passionnant
- Podosis
-Q de Talony

All 3 stallions were bred by top eleveurs and big trainers and big owners = means MONEY

You have mentioned B,Du Pont - was he more titled like the 3 listed above? the answer is no

Maybe via DDP
Extreme Dream - Quido du Goutier
08 Mar 2022 23:55 #93

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

07 Jui 2022 09:14 #94

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

You are happy now Vieborg ?

I asked if you were coming to Deauville around the same time - and let us meet up and have éperlan end moules & fries? - Replied that you were interested, to attend the Assises
Ok I have a lovely time that same day - eating my éperlan, and some lovely Sancerre wine - while the 3 gars, my associate & a trainer & and another breeder in both Galop & Trot - had some good sun on that sunny day - while you in Panam - in your 10hrs marathon - and knowing you - you didn't even come here and did any resume of that 10hrs

So let us debate this subject in this video I have chosen
From the lady to IFCE
To Piere , Paul & Jacques

- My 1st critic - we know all this? Right?
-Google is a wonderful machine?
-The Galop and the Anglo-Saxon Countries have developed way better scientific studies
Than the OLD IFCE

2- Critique 2 - instead of having an old expensive and non-affordable like Labo like the IFCE
Why not, then use other developing countries eg maybe in India or China ( where the Wuhan Virus was made ) krkrkkrkrkrkrk Alais COVID 19 - where people are more motivated and more brilliant, and less chauvinism like that big-head Professeur in the south of France
- how long can these institutions be subventionner by the government? and look at the price and shit the politics?

I may shock , shaking the mentalities - but at least to get things done faster and cheaper
07 Jui 2022 09:33 #95

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

So time back, I called Ireland, to find out about the speed gene, that they have identified - but the speed gene .........., isn't used as yet on tested on the Standard-Bred - worst shall it be in the Trotter Francaise

Yup the Gallopers , because of their expensiveness, massive money is spent on their recherche

If Maupas could have replied to you, " who would finance a 2nd LABO? ( that you have proposed ) - on the subject debated the anti-doping
Well here is my proposition, use my example on a cheaper country that is neutral than France and the TF
Did I sound wiser nuh?

Maybe with that, we wouldn't have Le Duc coming here crying every day :)
Maybe since the world of the TF has so many rumors and suspicions every year, it could clean up their own shit, and people and the betters and the general population can say horse racing is cleaner than yesterday
- and can allure new investors
Dernière édition: 08 Jui 2022 14:09 par UaUka1.
07 Jui 2022 09:50 #96

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

With 61 views - no likes,
you my confere who went to this expensive ( that costs a lot on the economy from the wallet of Le Trot ) marathon
Which I shall describe the assises as a waste of time and money

it was doomed from depart for the small man or the small breeder all over France
The fat-rich whom only BLA & BLAH didn't do anything

The French Stud Book has controlled been by those same deciders who are all friends and enemies but manage to socialize because of our cultural education and they all think in the SAME BOX ( the money goes to themselves)

- what have I learned? NOTHING, my predicted conclusions, I have seen it réalisez in front of my eyes

I shall say this as a public woman
They are all , described in juridique team " a la fois juge et partie prise "

That's why went they asked us via PDF email, was a waste of time and money again,
and I consider it a cunning style of a sondage or it wasn’t no fking "THINK TANK",
They just tested us , to prepare, .........and prepare a man-slaughter

- they had their own ideas in advance because they are in-bedded into this/their business, and any OUT of THE BOX IDEAS they did, can discard all of them, just they all themselves would lose and be completely obsolete, so their Family names and VANITY and enrichment would be gone, just because of their controlling ideas of only self-serving them-selves

- the critical BLUP & BTR? - isn't that a freak show? - and the lady was highly applauded - LOL
WELL, not for ME! - cried MEH

It sounded like a mother reading to her child a nice Cinderella story before her child sleeps - LOL

- and the massive population agreed - HOW LOW
- they applauded, maybe they had seen some nice French dream is on the move, but silly are these dumb fks ( who seem to be yearning for the Made in France -
- and what I have noticed, even the IFCE or them don't know, don't know when IFCE will make their conclusion of their so-called invention, - NO PREDICTED DATE
- so the IFCE sold l their PLACEBO dream ( the carrot in the asses), the chauvinism French clapped, and all shall wait, for the MADE in France
- these punks should have an auditor, to tell the IFCE you are just a waste of money

While the world is today turning in high-speed krkrkrkkrkr

a) on that debate a horse or stallion in top-trainer gains more, so automatically that horse BLUP & BTR will be sky rocked - Right?
b) the small breeder and the small trainer who don't win that much because we all know of my FACTORS, their horse wouldn't be noted highly in the BLUP & BTR ? Now tell me if am wrong?

c) Trot-Pedigree is still the most remarkable outils we the breeder have to de-code genetics
-as for the expensive IFCE, these people who get a highly honestly pay cannot révolutionnées their work as fast as the, ->
-for EXAMPLE - a VACCINE in COVID 19 in urgency to save lives - NOOOOOOOO Pasture failed miserably - France could pay nor win - the commercial battle

- so my conclusions are that the IFCE is described as a pure waste of time and money and with stupid BRAIN-FARTS, SELLING DREAMS - how funny

d) when you listen to shit the man said you must still keep the "C" genes, sounds like some idiot who has no experience or idea what this subject is as a breeder or a trainer, ......and he didn't control his stupid debate and giving his IDEAS or point of view, like if he pays for our fking bills monthly - get rid of the DUMB BUMMER, who is costly to pay monthly to this system - a good sanction for that idiot ( no judge would not accept that in the tribunal of COMMERCE)

e) Reminds me of when some journalist working EQUIDA (licking his ass) during of interviewing JPD , asking about Ready Cash pedigree and telling him with adoration that Extreme Dream somewhere somehow due to the of the success of that Chef de Race ( Ready Cash)
-and bis repetita, for Bold Eagle & FTB - awwwwww JPD again ( LOL)

-The biggest joke about this man - he was invited to Upsala, he couldn't debate HE was so simple or rather simplest or simpleton - he spoke like a child and said nothing - how disappointing, and he’s labeled Le Chef right?

- while the detested Mr. Handsome Pierre Pilarski - tried to TED or BRUT talk in Upsala ,

in my conclusion, you are all old fashioned thinkers, using the modern computer, if you can understand me, the world has changed there is no one country who has the monopoly on NOTHING anymore

- So BRAVO to Trot-Pedigree - Parci - and Lisa's site Sophia-Pedigrees which this later was the BEST learning school

- and screw Le Trot and Norman's Hall's shitty site ( so kinder-garden )

and the morality of these two French sites( T/P and Parci) was under fire with the SECF ( right)?

-While SOPHIA PEDIGREES - were under the ban the non-democratic SWEEDISH STUD BOOK - and god knows SOPHIA was the best ( according to me, and wiser breeding tool )

-BlodBanken is just has-been- Hej Hej SVENSKA
So you swedes your institution also are a bunch bureaucratic Mongolians
Dernière édition: 08 Jui 2022 14:58 par UaUka1.
08 Jui 2022 14:44 #97

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Réponse de Alberto sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

isa_ écrit: LeTROT lance les Assises de l’élevage et donne la parole aux éleveurs. Jusqu’au 6 mars 2022, participez à la nouvelle consultation publique sur l’élevage de trotteurs français...
la suite sur cette page pour ceux qui se sentent concernés içi

Quand j’ai vu le titre d’un sujet, j’ai été étonné … ma mémoire me faisait penser que le sujet était composé de plusieurs pages …
J’ai décidé de contrôler: le sujet a été ouvert par Isa.
En fait, je me souviens aussi d’avoir participé … interventions que j’ai par la suite annulées à la suite d’une invitation assez claire ( :angry: il est difficile de débattre avec un non-citoyen :oops: ).
Bien sûr, j’ai annulé certaines de mes interventions qui, je suppose, nécessitaient la nationalité française et, pour la même raison, je m’abstiens d’en faire d’autres sur certains sujets "sensibles".
Cela dit, je me permets de signaler qu’il serait peut-être temps de réunir les deux sujets ... :chapeau:
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
08 Jui 2022 18:09 #98

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

Alberto écrit:

isa_ écrit: LeTROT lance les Assises de l’élevage et donne la parole aux éleveurs. Jusqu’au 6 mars 2022, participez à la nouvelle consultation publique sur l’élevage de trotteurs français...
la suite sur cette page pour ceux qui se sentent concernés içi

Quand j’ai vu le titre d’un sujet, j’ai été étonné … ma mémoire me faisait penser que le sujet était composé de plusieurs pages …
J’ai décidé de contrôler: le sujet a été ouvert par Isa.
En fait, je me souviens aussi d’avoir participé … interventions que j’ai par la suite annulées à la suite d’une invitation assez claire ( :angry: il est difficile de débattre avec un non-citoyen :oops: ).
Bien sûr, j’ai annulé certaines de mes interventions qui, je suppose, nécessitaient la nationalité française et, pour la même raison, je m’abstiens d’en faire d’autres sur certains sujets "sensibles".
Cela dit, je me permets de signaler qu’il serait peut-être temps de réunir les deux sujets ... :chapeau:

dear Alberto

The absenteeism is like not voting - now your reclamation in this debate, I think is still open, why don't you open your mouth and voice up opinions, then playing a so-called diplomatic speaker - rolling his tongue in his mouth - that's you here
come on get real or brave - say how you think - and not afraid to froisser me the for example - i can handle it
as words are words - and not ACTS

I have opened a subject - and putting my point of view - with my personality - and as some say rather sharp, or bitchy LOL
it's just ME - my way of saying what I want to say or thinks
now like it or not, i
if the readers have a problem - it's theirs - they can come and attack me - am sorry if they don't understand

thank you
Dernière édition: 08 Jui 2022 18:43 par UaUka1.
08 Jui 2022 18:38 #99

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Réponse de Alberto sur le sujet Assises de l’élevage

UaUka1 écrit:
dear Alberto

The absenteeism is like not voting - now your reclamation in this debate, I think is still open, why don't you open your mouth and voice up opinions, then playing a so-called diplomatic speaker - rolling his tongue in his mouth - that's you here
come on get real or brave - say how you think - and not afraid to froisser me the for example - i can handle it
as words are words - and not ACTS

I have opened a subject - and putting my point of view - with my personality - and as some say rather sharp, or bitchy LOL
it's just ME - my way of saying what I want to say or thinks
now like it or not, i
if the readers have a problem - it's theirs - they can come and attack me - am sorry if they don't understand

thank you

Dans ce sujet tu m’as mis à la porte une fois
(et je t'assure que je ne suis pas assez présomptueux pour penser que tu étais à court d’arguments au point de citer la citoyenneté)
il me suffit et il avance.
Passe une bonne journée!
08 Jui 2022 18:54 #100

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