PRIX D'AMERIQUE 2022 (G1, attelé, Vincennes) : Davidson du Pont

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet PRIX D'AMERIQUE 2022 (G1, attelé, Vincennes) : Davidson du Pont

Me and best friend from years who are breeders Fabien aka GV3 - always meet up for the PAM - since I abandon my table in sulky that I sorta owned for years, and every year would " doll-up and go to the PdAm"

and SHIT this year because of the 3eme dose we couldn't meet up, because our PDM lunch starts at 11hrs till 22 hrs every last Sunday of every year since i came back to live in France
But we called up each other and watch this beautiful race

- I told him Fab, what is logic is the best training and the best horse would win , and as a woman i have drole de intuition that the young man who is only 21yrs , winning this race will be the best gift of this race

-I and Fab live the Timoko days and RW, and who did love Timoko , so I said you know what I would be happy if a foreigner wins this race, after all, ' La Hollande, l'autre pays du fromage " - who knows me - knows am a fun girl

That the horses who make me shit are Flamme & VWA & Cokstile and Galius - so I can play them all
- So I sold him F.Seven and R, Matters - like hot pancakes - and he added Power and Diable - and we both busted all his games ( merde) looking for the ideal tocards to finish in 3 or 4th place - to pay

All I can say is I scream from my TUMMY for DDP to go and get him, Galius , and diestry him
That I ended up crying

All I can say is this is one of the best emotions I have passed
And was happy to my dear Patounette on TV :coeur:

Thank you life for this passion and these emotions :coeur: :tchin:
Merci pour ce message de la part de : TorontoPat, Nico_NT
01 Fév 2022 20:02 #411

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Réponse de Alex sur le sujet PRIX D'AMERIQUE 2022 (G1, attelé, Vincennes) : Davidson du Pont

Quelle superbe performance de Davidson pour venir chercher un Galius exceptionnel sur la fin.
Victoire plus que mérité pour le champion, toujours à l'arrivé de l'Amérique depuis ses 5 ans.

Bravo a l'entourage!

Trés agréablement surpris par Galius, il prouve qu'il est un grand champion avec l'avenir devant lui.

Mon favori Hohneck ne démérite pas, mais le parcours était bien trop compliqué, bloqué dérriere une Bahia Quesnot a 3 qui n’avançait plus. Obligé de faire le tour a 3 en montant, beaucoup trop dur a ce niveau. Il ramène Flamme et Vivid.
Il est encore jeune et va progresser.
Merci pour ce message de la part de : Anniec, joyeuxrire, TorontoPat
02 Fév 2022 09:48 #412

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