Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Sur le Guide au prix de 500e+5000e
a remporté 2 courses de Groupe III et 1 de Groupe II
Honnêtement, j'aime le pedigree
plein de groupe un, pere de meres
mais ce n'est pas un ALPHA

the price is really excessive
05 Déc 2021 22:09 #71

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

tous les prix sont excessifs quand on regarde le prix moyen d'un yearling...
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
05 Déc 2021 23:07 #72

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Deux "BOOSTER WINNER" dans le haras
1- D'abord avec un nom un peu bizarre " Hastronaute "
2- Deuxième "HOOKER BERRY"

le 1er a gagné par surprise une course de GI, et mon ami m'a dit hier " ah oui Shar, c'est un fils de Booster et a gagné la C4" .....donc son prix est normal "
Le deuxième fils n'a pas gagné de GI, mais il est moins 100e que le gagnant de GI avec un drôle de nom
06 Déc 2021 10:53 #73

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Y'a Gamin des perdrix aussi
06 Déc 2021 19:32 #74

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

I have tested some new sire in the Guide just to say what the mathematics said to me

The mating that was done is with only my Falling Stars

-In the Money - his pedigree isn't in very high gear, but rather low in my maths, and scored minus 8 points versus Falling stars
- the total production came out +3 points to Falling Stars and plus 9 points to In The Money

- Hohneck also his pedigree came out minus 2 points versus la mare Falling Stars
The total came mating came out plus +6 points
This means + 8 to Honeck
and +6 points to Falling Stars

-Helgafell pedigree is rated -t plus 4 points scoring higher than Falling Stars pedigree
Yet the total numbers were rather low and came out:- less 2 points to Helgafell and plus +2 points to Fallings Stars
That means it went downwards

If I was rather rich, none of these 3 stallions worked with my filly Falling Stars, even in some matching the score was just a wee bit higher
To me, it keeps a pace of + 5 points every time ( for every generation)

-And this is not the only method I apply to breed horses - I do more harder testing, and yes I am very hard with own self - I beat myself too much up in this domain

- as far the 2 H are concerned you will never hear me yapping about them, for my breeding stock, and I do wish them well

Since I push issues very far or very deep, and as a combative woman who made highly accelerated horses genetic wise, such as Night in London & Dancing Stars and Urmila Jaani

As I have studied and invented numbers to give to horses for a rather long time, and know that Love You is one of the highest horses in french breeding and Quaker Jet dethroned his father
Charly du Noyer also scored high
As I have said many times on forums and here also it's the DUBOIS who knew to accelerate genetics, mostly JET and his BOLD EAGLE ( the combination of RC and love You) ( The bottom lines didn't score that high )
-Ready Cash never higher than Love you and Q, Jet

I pulled out one of the top rating horses that I made and sold off Urmila Jaani, just because she had the right genetic patterns and the best-assimilated pedigree that I couldn't lose if there's a TED Talk show to present my project on stage ( or if I have to re-do Equidia )( which I wouldn't do anymore )

The ultra-modern Helgafell is just 1 point higher than Urmila Jaani
The match came out superior with a + 8 Point to Helgafell and a + 9 to Urmila

- even the pedigree is really all the essence of myself, and I had Urmila and the money I wouldn't go

With all I have explained up there the only horse I will re-use that matches and the price is correct is EdNoyer and Falling Stars, who came out rather high in total mating and my style of breeding horses
Which are plus 14 points to his father ( EdNoyer)
and plus 14 points to his mother ( FStars)

but this is me
I never follow the massive fashion craze in this industry
I am the fashion
07 Déc 2021 01:03 #75

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Si ta méthode te contente c'est le principal...

Je comprends mieux ta vision, tu es dans 'l'accélération génétique"...

Après perso, si tu t'en fiches de vendre et que tu as un "bon" entraineur pour bosser avec toi, ben je ferais quelques essais de principes utiliser en accouplement chez les chiens... Histoire de voir si c'est transposable !
07 Déc 2021 06:40 #76

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

I have my cords to my arc
It's a long time I have been experimenting, so I can't be easily classified

Because since I represent this souche , every horse that wins any race ( be it classic or not ) all of that comes back to me like a boomerang in my amortissement and becomes beneficial to me
That is why I estimate every idea ( with courtiers) I have, what are their values at Naissance, etc, what will it be the worth of that product is a male or a female. Then yearlings etc, which one I must insure etc, .......... and mostly I vise Arqana

This subject was to debate stallions - I hope some of you can show your expositions

OUF anyways, I have a soft spot for the Guarato " I" Ideale du Pommeau
I like Full Account
09 Déc 2021 12:53 #77

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Réponse de BeGood sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Vous m'avez perdu en route... Math sup, Math spé bientôt pour entrer en MFR ou AFASEC...
Mais merci de vos contributions.
09 Déc 2021 22:12 #78

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Réponse de caribou sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Quelques petits calcul pour Ua... . Tu aimes ca, hein...;)

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10 Déc 2021 14:28 #79
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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Nouveaux étalons. Inspirants ?

Thank you Caribou, it is very interesting, am bluffed, as I said before I only use IMAC nad it doesn't support this logicelle, and this what you have posted here does interest me, and anything that is explained mathematically to me is really logical

Maybe I'll have to invest in some small computer to work on this with my proper vision, I didn't know they marry Etalon and Pere de mere - wow am bluffed ( thanks am really thrilled )

now FS- 205
Kiwi -207

wait let me try to understand this -
1- Falling Stars is superior to Edu Noyer?
2- and by marrying them I have pushed the story to a superior Naissance, mathematically ( smiles) haha

Caribou can you do this same mating for me with RS and BP = Gainsborough
then Feeling Cash & Golden Bridge and Fifty Kalouma

thanking you again :coeur: :tchin:
10 Déc 2021 16:00 #80

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