N° | Cheval | SA | Père/Mère | Kg | Jockey | Entraîneur | Propriétaire | Performances | Val. | Gains |
1 | Ital Conti | H.7 | Masked Marvel Sonate du Rheu. | 68 | F. De Giles | J. Delaunay | Ec.Joubert/Del. | 3h5s7h7h1h3h0h4s | 62.5 | 122.725 |
2 | Funway | H.8 | Galiway Fun Verglas | 68 | J. Reveley | P. Le Geay | P. Le Geay | 3h5s1h1hAs4s3h2s | 63.0 | 176.630 |
3 | Game of Storm | H.5 | Motivator Like A Storm | 67 | A. Zuliani | F. Nicolle | Detre/Team Sp. | 4h1sAs8h1h2s6s1s | 66.0 | 195.675 |
4 | Marty Mcfly | H.9 | Brave Mansonn. Singapore Gues. | 66 | W. Lajon | J. Delaunay | J. Buez | 0h4hAh2hAh1sTh | 52.5 | 75.110 |
5 | Grandbat | H.5 | Bathyrhon Grande Largeur | 66 | A. Renard | E. d'Andigné | Ec. Bel Anjou | 3s4h1h1h1h1h3h1h | 66.0 | 106.470 |
6 | Earl of Shannon | H.5 | Doctor Dino Shannon Pearl | 64 | C. Lefebvre | F. Nicolle | Marzocco/Devin | 2h3s3h1s4s2h1s1h | 62.0 | 155.260 |
7 | Eadream | F.7 | Montmartre Evitta | 64 | L. Zuliani | Ch. Herpin | L. Fleury | 5h4h2h1s5s1h7s3s | 53.0 | 108.605 |
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Rang | N° | Cheval | Ecart | Kg | Jockey | Entraîneur | PMU |
1ᵉʳ | 1 | Ital Conti | 5'06"30 | 68 | F. De Giles | J. Delaunay | 3,7 |
2ᵉ | 5 | Grandbat | 6 | 66 | A. Renard | E. d'Andigné | 9,6 |
3ᵉ | 3 | Game of Storm | 1¼ | 67 | A. Zuliani | F. Nicolle | 4,2 |
4ᵉ | 6 | Earl of Shannon | 2½ | 64 | C. Lefebvre | F. Nicolle | 2,6 |
5ᵉ | 2 | Funway | 1½ | 68 | J. Reveley | P. Le Geay | 10 |
6ᵉ | 7 | Eadream | ¼ | 64 | L. Zuliani | C. Herpin | 23 |
Tb | 4 | Marty Mcfly | - | 66 | W. Lajon | J. Delaunay | 26 |
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