N° | Cheval | SA | Père/Mère | Kg | Jockey | Entraîneur | Propriétaire | Performances | Val. | Gains |
1 | Gurzuf (ire) | H.6 | Zelzal Greshnitsia. | 68 | J. Reveley | George/Zetter. | Jathiere/Aug. | 5h4h7h6h2h1h3h | 60.0 | 133.690 |
2 | Cirano de Pail | H.12 | Kapgarde Ken Roche | 68 | J-B. Breton | J-R. Breton | J-R. Breton | 3h2hTh6h5h4h5h | 62.0 | 329.475 |
3 | Lou Fast | H.6 | Rajsaman Lou Wonderful | 68 | L. Philipperon | R. Collet | Ec.CMV/Darby | 4h3h1hAh0h6hAh | 62.0 | 333.040 |
4 | Kapteen | H.10 | Kap Rock Manson Teene | 68 | B. Claudic | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | Scud.Aichner | 4s5s2h0s8sAs5s | 62.5 | 386.155 |
5 | Karthage | H.5 | Galiway Lounage | 67 | D. Ubeda | M. Pitart | Bellon/Piasco | 1h2sTh5h0p7h1h | 65.5 | 121.005 |
6 | Prince Chop | H.6 | Vale Of York Turtle Beach | 66 | F. de Giles | D. Cottin | Chopard/Red. | 1s1h4s4s5s6s1s | 67.0 | 179.270 |
7 | Jour Polaire | H.6 | Penny's Pic. Moon Express | 66 | N. Ferreira | M. Seror | J. Brion | 1s6h6h5h4h1h5p | 63.0 | 146.155 |
8 | Tonerre du Temps | F.6 | Saint D.Sain Daniella | 66 | J. Charron | D. Cottin | X. Lebard | 6h2hTs7hDhTh0h | 55.5 | 155.770 |
9 | Grand de Thaix | H.9 | Rail Link Rubilite | 66 | J. Bartos | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | Scud.Aichner | 7s3s3s4h2h2h5h | 60.5 | 183.727 |
10 | Ange Pitou | H.6 | Adlerflug Imagery | 66 | J. Kratochvil | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | J. Vana | 3h2h2s0h8h5h1s | 57.5 | 79.827 |
11 | Kaja | F.5 | The Grey Gat Kamellata | 64 | L-P. Brechet | D. Cottin | Pegasus Farm | 3sTs6s4s2s5h6h | 63.5 | 97.090 |
12 | Sambrillon | F.9 | Crillon Odessa d.Roq | 64 | K. Ouvrier | A. Sannier | A. Sannier | 1hTh7h5h8h3h7h | 60.5 | 152.032 |
13 | Lorcan | M.5 | Reliable Man Verinder | 64 | G. Meunier | J. Boisnard | Toennies-F. | 2h1h0p0p7p2p3p | — | 25.530 |
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Rang | N° | Cheval | Ecart | Kg | Jockey | Entraîneur | PMU |
1ᵉʳ | 10 | Ange Pitou | 5'09"49 | 66 | J. Kratochvil | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | 12 |
2ᵉ | 1 | Gurzuf | ¾ | 68 | J. Reveley | George & Zetterholm | 15 |
3ᵉ | 4 | Kapteen | ¾ | 68 | B. Claudic | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | 99 |
4ᵉ | 7 | Jour Polaire | ½ | 66 | N. Ferreira | M. Seror | 7,9 |
5ᵉ | 3 | Lou Fast | 6½ | 68 | L. Philipperon | R. Collet | 9,2 |
6ᵉ | 5 | Karthage | ¾ | 67 | D. Ubeda | M. Pitart | 3,2 |
7ᵉ | 13 | Lorcan | enc. | 64 | G. Meunier | J. Boisnard | 17 |
8ᵉ | 11 | Kaja | 7 | 64 | C. Lefebvre | D. Cottin | 18 |
9ᵉ | 12 | Sambrillon | 6 | 64 | K. Ouvrier | A. Sannier | 61 |
10ᵉ | 2 | Cirano de Pail | ½ | 68 | JB. Breton | JR. Breton | 21 |
11ᵉ | 8 | Tonerre du Temps | 16 | 66,5 | J. Charron | D. Cottin | 14 |
Ar. | 6 | Prince Chop | - | 66 | F. De Giles | D. Cottin | 4,7 |
Ar. | 9 | Grand de Thaix | - | 66 | J. Bartos | J. Vana Jr 🇨🇿 | 81 |
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