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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet HAVANAISE, f.2017

vieborg écrit: Les chevaux récupèrent bcp moins bien d'une tendinite et rarement leur meilleur niveau... Il vaut souvent mieux un "beau" trait de facture !

Ben ce ne sont pas les mêmes conditions de courses ni entrainement en Scandinavie

Comme il te l'a déjà été mentionné, tout va trop vite today... A 5 ans il sont à peine adultes souvent et leur carrière est déjà derrière ceux du très haut niveau (sauf exception) !

Why do you make your friends and trainers learn you these nonscientific theories - that's so has been - and you come and write it here - oh boy - this show how really very low are they

So how come a deformed 3 legs horse can win two times PDA? - Before my dear there was K.P - he couldn't run in the Nordic countries - Sweden was waiting for him

Dernière édition: 31 Mar 2022 07:57 par UaUka1.
31 Mar 2022 07:18 #31

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Réponse de TorontoPat sur le sujet HAVANAISE, f.2017

UaUka1 écrit:

TorontoPat écrit: Cynasoso, Altratus, vous avez raison !
Certains essayent de gérer les carrières en démarrant plus tard, ou moins fort en début de carrière, d’alterner les courses dures et des parcours plus sages (en prévenant les parieurs, en tout cas ceux qui se renseignent un minimum …), et ILS ONT RAISON !!!

Speed has nothing to do with today's program - that's bullshit - totally lack of understanding and science - so you can doubt me that SPEED - the fastest horse was -Secretariat - Greyhound, etc - way back in 60's - stop the insinuation, please

In a modern world, you all sound like OLD

They are machines invented to examine every stride in every type of pace in training, from lungs capacity to blood flows, to the length of strides - etc etc
And 10 yrs back I flew from Delhi and told them who worked for me to do it, and it showed in his blood test

Before the whole anglos Saxon, Arabs, Indians Aussie, Chinese, Nordics, Italians, Belges
now today Allaire has many this machine, TD, Fabre, soon JMB and soon ME here in May

These beautiful words you wrote my Pat - are just hogwash

Dear Sharmila, not sure you got me…
I am not speaking about speed (1’12… 1’11… …).
I said (in French) that for me:
- to start a carreer at 2 years old,
- fighting a lot at 3 and 4,
- or to do 3 or 4 years full power, always D4 and with first place targetted,
make a lot of damage in the horse racing history…
I will not list many names, you know them, and they are a lot !!
So the old words of an old guy are not always wrong 😉
Merci pour ce message de la part de : Anniec, commandertilly
31 Mar 2022 13:16 #32

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet HAVANAISE, f.2017

Honestly, in every generation, the Elites and Alphas, we have a solid have a 50% in debourrage

Then it re-shows in pre-entraining

Then the selection goes to every trainer, who is CONCERNED about every horse's career

The best wins all in 3 & 4 years - and gone to Stallions and Mares

The bad & difficulty is Quinte runners that can run on to 10yrs

SPEED was always the major development in every race - today races are divided into 5 logical ways or styles of breeding

As CT said here

1 - described it here the USA produces the dash milers - which are the biggest stars be in horse racing and the Olympics

Jump starting and making the legs lungs and heart and determination in a total combination is the HARDEST, are the best ANIMALS to Breed - they ameliorate every race of equine ( i will open the debate Enable )

2-The Swede/ Italians are in the intermediate distance

3-France in trot is the classic distance

4- The Crit of the 5 years distance has lesser values - where is in minus calculations

5- The endurant like in AQPS are stayers and not sanctioned for breeding as a stallion - if that is best you use ORLOV (LOL)

And to close debate, the Elites are elites and must run fast because they are born exceptionally talented - in France

So the story of Havanaise means the trainer the lads the driver and veto are all to be blamed

Today with modern techniques, we can follow a horse from slow to a top speed
Calculate the length of sprawling their strides, at high speed and how many strides they take to that top speed, and at the same time read, their heart-beats and count how much blood flow & then the breathing & then transforming the combustion all in all - in every high speed or jogging, even on marcher or in a water marcher

and the same time it shows when a horse is not in the top form in training before the big races

But get they did they ran the horse when she was NOT in the form
So the tendonitis wasn't the last race you know- say ??? they have hidden the MISERY a long time, with all styles of infiltrations - TO MILK THE COW - the Trainer and VETO knows about it - dahhhhhh

So they didn't - Investir to Gain more
They wanted to gain more than investigating & spending - today the story is done, and good for her she will have time to make good babies - and better than Billie
Merci pour ce message de la part de : commandertilly
31 Mar 2022 15:51 #33

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Réponse de TorontoPat sur le sujet HAVANAISE, f.2017

So dear Sharmila, you speak speed and math, I speak durability and feeling 😉
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
31 Mar 2022 19:50 #34

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet HAVANAISE, f.2017

TorontoPat écrit: So dear Sharmila, you speak speed and math, I speak durability and feeling 😉

Me too my dear Patounette

Without my horses am no one
No life
No passion, no drive
Because vanity is not my stuff, like many in this world
I love emotions

bisous xoxooxoxoxo
Merci pour ce message de la part de : TorontoPat
Dernière édition: 01 Avr 2022 00:53 par UaUka1.
01 Avr 2022 00:03 #35

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