Sharmila Dass

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RĂ©ponse de REVEDUDON sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

IDEAL DE SASSY 3 Ăšme Cabourg 19/06/21 C6 - PRIX DES ROSSIGNOLS :coeur: :tchin:
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20 Oct 2021 12:21 #301

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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

Here are two examples of my " wish list" for next year - open debate - who do you think is the SIRE for Falling Stars ??

Thanking you for replying and please plead to me why and why not - so open debate
29 Oct 2021 13:31 #302
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RĂ©ponse de vieborg sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

Dis moi Ua, comment fais-tu pour avoir une version de ce site oĂč les chevaux nĂ©s Ă  partir de 2014 sont prĂ©sents stp ?

Perso je pense utiliser Inferno !
30 Oct 2021 09:45 #303

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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

vieborg Ă©crit: Dis moi Ua, comment fais-tu pour avoir une version de ce site oĂč les chevaux nĂ©s Ă  partir de 2014 sont prĂ©sents stp ?

Perso je pense utiliser Inferno !

C'est Parci -> clixk PLUS => ELEVAGE +> Croisement
30 Oct 2021 12:01 #304

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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

Battle of the VIKING'S QUEENS

Gunilla 1994 versus Engane du Perthois 1992
Both these fillies were Vincennes winners, only my Engane du Perthois was running in Italy because of her gaits that were mostly in amble

This story of numbers seems where I have invented numerology krkrkrkkrkr hell nope:lol:

But according to my old numbers story, my Engane du Perthois is plus 2 points to Gunilla

These two ladies were married one to Ideal de L'ition and made Redemption Song
And the other lady Gunilla filly from C.Jet and made Topaze d'Atout
And this time Redemption beats again Topaze d'Atout but 3 points
- what we can constat here between these two ladies la Topaze becomes very American, while RS stays French or rather Trot Monte

Topaze was married to RC and made Eridan and score very well and gain 15 points in amelioration
But when I have tested my R, Song, and Ready Cash, the product would give plus 14 pints

and the duel between Eridan and the product of RC + RS, again my breeding stock would have beaten Eridan by 4 points

-my conclusions La Gunilla was married to 2 PDAm winners
-I can't afford to play that hard with the most expensive sire in France
-As these 2 bloodlines are pitched against each other lets' see who will come out huger
-so far it's ME who has the upper hand - I make huger quality with very little money :oui:

As even I have dreamed of FTB it would have come out 9 points lesser than his ultra confirmed father Ready Cash
- and Bold Eagle & RS would have scored higher by 3 points to the marriage FTB & RS
- Well scoop Fifty Kalouma & RS scores just like Bold Eagle, and way cheaper, so that next year marriage for R.S
DerniĂšre Ă©dition: 21 Nov 2021 09:51 par UaUka1.
21 Nov 2021 03:56 #305

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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

La :love: Kawasaki Ninja:miam: :oui: :coeur: part au bourrage
C'est une fille difficile, qui ne peut pas ĂȘtre contrĂŽlĂ©e par une autre fille, mais secouĂ©e par un homme
Ils disent qu'elle a du sang

Merci pour ce message de la part de : isa_, altratus, TorontoPat, TREIZH, Fathi
27 Nov 2021 07:49 #306
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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

Well I did CMoney and FS
I found CMoney rather low compared to the mating it was minus 27 for CMoney
And FS while minus 17 to FS

Love You even he's older he still leading CMoney by +1 - funny hein? highly accelerated horses it's hard to beat them

Saxo and FS scored better than higher than Love you and C,Money , but just by 2 points

GU beat them all and had only +1 to Saxo

- Conclusions all these matings were 2X3 on Coktail Jet

But doing all these lines I have forgotten Q,Jet
I remember once Vieborg proposed/advised me for RSong - i refused, my reasons were simple it was turning around with Sabi Pas vs Vesubie III - I need newer more modern, and more blood
So I did Q.jet and Fallins Stars - and I looked down - I saw C,Mag, and E.Mag - GLUP GLUP :surprise:
Well thanks a million Vieborg :coeur: :tchin:

But I X-Factor a lot and R-Factor and many many more methods

But keeping this debate on Quaker Jet - I am in love with Ganay de Banville - and he is my best shot - i will have to digest him

Do anyone knows the price of GANAY?
11 DĂ©c 2021 00:32 #307

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RĂ©ponse de REVEDUDON sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

The price for GANAY is 300€+4000€
18 DĂ©c 2021 08:53 #308

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RĂ©ponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

JUST ONE NIGHT :coeur: :tchin: Disq

is great to see top trainers interested in my souche :ange: :coeur: :tchin: :oui: :love: :miam: and does options :oui:
13 Jan 2022 14:00 #309

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RĂ©ponse de REVEDUDON sur le sujet Sharmila Dass

UaUka1 Ă©crit: JUST ONE NIGHT :coeur: :tchin: Disq

is great to see top trainers interested in my souche :ange: :coeur: :tchin: :oui: :love: :miam: and does options :oui:

It is a good thing, that your "souche" is exploited by a trainer of this level! Well done !
C'est une bonne chose, que ta souche soit exploitée par un entraineur de ce niveau ! Bravo !
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
13 Jan 2022 15:55 #310

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