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UaUka1 écrit:
iroisebleue écrit: Oui, mille merci Moncourt, grand plaisir de vous lire. J'espère pouvoir apporter une petite contribution en votre sens prochainement, avec du temps. Encore merci.
Caribou, foncé aussi, nous n'attendons que cela de discuter de sèment. Tu nous parlerais de tes marottes quand tu fais tes croisements ?
this site must do a redressement
It should be a paying site - basta c'est tout
it's an ELITE SPORT , and forum writers MUST PAY - to Learn....... and write their shit -
or this site would kill the administrator - of depressions of BURN OUT
there's a total lack of intelligence here
- Linamix it's a postiive critic
- so clean up the shit and make something new that you can earn like certains YOU TUBERS
even www,plancul,com you pay HA HA HA
And start with me Sharmila Dass - i am willing to pay to write my bullshit here
thank you
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Nicristi écrit:
UaUka1 écrit: when they speak are not like these mongoliens in the horse races
Y'en a qui se sont fait virer pour moins que ça
Elle est complètement siphonée la rebelle d'operette.
Quant à la petite remarque concernant Eleazar, ça démontre bien toutes ses compétences passées comme modérateur...[/b]
And is the bitter truth nuh?
- so you go and talk to your tracteur
Oh lordie some have problems with Gods
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CYNASOSO écrit: I did not know that the site was in English, it is necessary to live with its time, this language is the future, but I still have a little difficulty with it for this forum. A small text from time to time between girlfriend why not, I even found it rather nice, but it takes proportions a little too important for all the world and very complex. So please make an effort for the good of all. Thank you to you.
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