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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

No problem for me to use the english !
26 Nov 2020 14:17 #131

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

vieborg écrit: No problem for me to use the english !

:coeur: :lecture: :tchin:
26 Nov 2020 17:16 #132

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

please don't be discriminative to the US lines , or souche lines , as you say they lack diversity
this is totally arrogant and chauvin , and the the french blood don't dominte the world , and are not world class sellers

As for me as a breeder , i do explore the pedigree since the beginning of all lines , is just because am old breeder and like solid foundations

on the other hands - i never look at this horse's pedigree , but thank you for argueing him with me

on the other what are you trying to sell me C.du.C - i do not doubt your story
Which i would like to ask you are you basing this pedigree on CORMIC LineBreeding ( the method lineage) ( and his story of affinities) ? ..... thank you for answering me
Because if his darn book can make you so sure in debating with me , then the whole world world have been making CRACKS ! Right or Not ?

The mother of Fakir is well bred , she is married XX+XX =Ussania
The 2nd mother is also well bred , she married on the XX lines XY +XY =Harold D. III on the XX lines

The difference between me and you are

i would back backwards to investigate

i have and found 2 paths of PTG on the XX lines of the pedigree in "Officine"
So examine "Anna Maloney +Petress Burton"
- i stop this debate here in the pedigree

now us let's "FOWARDBREED » ( meaning going back the subject FAKIR step by step )

we can remarque the affinities between the USA lines
we can so much affinities with the French Lines

Subject « Officine »

I have found two XX on the XX lines of PTG - Zsiba & Heroine B.
the pedigree is well executed , Ker/Cari/C/Delco/PTG
-i look i observe

now i go the the other mare
Subject «Feerie du Lorault «
mare - Hivernale
she is well bred , Sa Bour & Uranie - Queens of Races + Olga + Arlette III ( Queen of the stud ) ….. i will valid the complet inbreeding of Belle Poule branches Intermede and Jongleur - and the multiple incest in the pedigree
and would say this the Subject mares on this debate here at this point of the pedigree is very interesting « Harold D. III »
Say she’s French

Subject «Native du Lorault «
Isn’t she well naitre ?
a double inbreeding on XX+XX of « Ussania »
and triple inbreeding on XX+XX+XX = Villeneuve D. = Harold D. III
This is what i call X-Factor ( go and look my Engane du Perthois and look at how she is signed Carioca II)

Marry Kara du Redon XX to XX Feerie du Lorault

Marry « Chef du Chatelet XY & Kara du Redon «
We still get incest via I/J +Belle Poule

Lets marry XY « Reve d’Udon » & XY « CdC » incest of Uranie two sons + 100% affinities Kai/Ogaden ( ref. or example look Up and Quick )
Lets marry XY « Reve d’Udon « & XX« Feerie du Lorault « we have a heavy inbreeding of « Ejakval « and Kerj = Arlette III

By going backward far into the pedigree we learn
And forward- breeding the pedigree , we learn there’s a HUGE BALL of Genetics coming forward

The story behind that with all the complexity ( maths & chemistry ) the Genetics becomes Paramount like a volcano
either it sleeps or it exploses

But for me i love Ker - mostly la ARLETTE III - so i will sign HER
:coeur: :tchin: :angry:

Vi - i have nothing to prove here - am here to share

Look at Vanishing - R.Song - Falling Stars - they are well constructed
26 Nov 2020 19:56 #133

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

Gainsbo was made on the other site were me and my friend Moncourt came from even thou we all from that site was on here we had one foot in Courses France ( a grade I site ) and our closed site was few members - but is was 5 stars site our site - we didn't accept much visitors , because for the Admin we didn't want to copy C-F
mea cupla ( no discrimination ) to sites

here's and open platform - so i am much calmer , but there was closed platform - i was in every war - XX contre XX and XX contre XY
banned , unbanned , banned then unbanned

i know the members of that site is here not talking
Just wanna say to you all - " See how your DH had gone from VP to Gainsbo"
I love you all and miss you
much love
Dernière édition: 26 Nov 2020 20:17 par UaUka1.
26 Nov 2020 20:15 #134

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage

Bonjour Vi

let's debate , i wish you the same destiny like my self
I have been looking at you since the old site Course France , and noticed your development

My advice to you since i will call you an XY
use you X in you to understand this story of our passion horse breeding
There are 14000 - 16000 mares in FR stud book , and we all are in compétition
How much of our sons and filles are qualified ?
How much wins? and winning even a small race is a huge victory for the mare who produce that off-spring , it gives her more value

and as an old breeder , in a males world , my friends are all males , they would look at stats , be in Trot Mag , Paris Turf , P. Courses , only the speculative and what works

and when i am interviewer by the listed above , these journalist are stunned , by my vision of the story , which is not the vision they sells

and one top journaliste who on the PC & Equidia , smiled when i told him " Nothing is impossible , you may take many slaps learning , but with more passion and hard work , you will be rewarded "

I can tell i have learned from the best PDAllaire , who would drive me with his car and put his lads to train horses , and would explain to me
I quote " you see this that allures " " it's not going to work "
And me looking at the four legs and now understanding his remarks

He would listen to the smallest and youngest veto , and never snob that young veto , and take the story of the veto and make it into his experience and experiment and his savoir , and try to find equilibrium

Me my self am very compétitive ( not with women - they hate me lol) , i learn from my masters , and always take their story their bases , and make it into my own story , with my ingredients

To me , you seems to be like most of my male friends , reading this and that logicielle , the stats of what works with this etalon and this pere de mare

I don't i invent my own story that infront of me - because that's the subject am dealing with , i never look at the stats , which i will say it's too easy

I love complicated issues
The big trainers also , because they learn more than simple and SIMPLETONS

For example

I married every line from 50% till the 5 generation e
very block of lines , and try the find where the huge ball of genetics started coming to explode
It uses me mentally , but i write on paper alot , i do maths , and it stays in my inconscience

Moncourt here on this site would tell you , i was very TF Belle Poule
I had to change
I had to look at all of Allaire new sons of Ready Cash off spring , and the pedigrees of the these off springs

For example KOH I NOOR , as a manipulatrice - if he only have qualities
and this a money game
1- Lerner = money
2- Ede Charmes = money
3- Allaire = money
Don't you think these 3 big Alphas men would like to do business with me? , don't you see , i don't need a visa to entre ?

I am here to explain to the another issues means dosage - but when we finish up this debate about Cormic and your stats , then we can carry on

Dernière édition: 27 Nov 2020 16:03 par UaUka1.
27 Nov 2020 15:36 #135

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

Je ne regarde pas que les statistiques et les affinités de croisements... Ce sont pour moi des facteurs à prendre dans l'équation qu'est la réflexion d'un futur croisement, comme d'autres facteurs d'ailleurs... Toi en tant qu'amoureuse des mathématiques tu dois voir de quoi je parle :)
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
27 Nov 2020 19:55 #136

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Réponse de caribou sur le sujet Science et élevage

Je suis bien d'accord avec Uka, pour dire que les mères... de Fakir du Lorault avait beaucoup de cartes ds leurs jeux, pour produire ce cheval.

D'ailleurs, on comprend pourquoi, qu'une majorité de produits issue de mère gagnante à vincennes, ainsi qu'avec une série de pères de mères de tout première ordre, sont les plus recherchés.
La haute performance, est le gage de capacités physique. Quand vous cumulés et dupliqués ds un pedigree un nombre important de grands performers ou de mères (Matrones) ayant produits de grands performeurs ds leurs filiations... , les probabilités augmentent d'autant que votre poulinière ait sur un de ses deux X, voir les deux XX soit pourvu de ses grandes capacités physique transmissible.
27 Nov 2020 20:20 #137

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Réponse de vieborg sur le sujet Science et élevage

Vous avez raison dans le sens où avec une femelle, vous avez moins de cartouches (en temps et en nombre) qu'avec un mâle pour pouvoir faire ses preuves au haras !
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
27 Nov 2020 21:18 #138

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Réponse de caribou sur le sujet Science et élevage

Selon moi, mais dans la logique du X. Beaucoup de la réussite d'étalons au travers de leurs fils, est de la grâce de la mère.
27 Nov 2020 21:26 #139

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Science et élevage


tu es génial CARIBOU

c'est ce que j'appelle "X-Factor & Rasmussen Factor"

honnêtement je n'ai pas lu le livre de Rasmussen - mais je vais m'offrir ce livre pour mon Noël

Mon dada est d'aller voir le monde des grandes courses, j'ai fait 2 fois Solvalla (je vous en parlerai un jour)
et Oslo, gardons le sujet sur Oslo, un ami hollandais de l'autre site dont un éleveur et un journaliste, m'a donné des laissez-passer pour entrer dans la salle télé, j'ai tout le champane et la nourriture gratos
ha ha ha ha
mais il vivait dans le piste et regardait toutes les races
derrière moi il y avait les écuries Rasmussen - je me retourne et regarde les écuries, j'ai pris les émotions et comme chaque femme, il y a une petite fille en elle
j'ai prié !

ma soeur blanche en Norvège s'appelle Tina

je peux continuer encore et encore
mais j'aime les émotions, et que je porterai quand je dormirai éternellement - mais pas des choses matérielles
28 Nov 2020 01:03 #140

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