Nature dans tous ses états

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Réponse de Gribouille29 sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

une autre vidéo très intéressante et éclairante :

Merci pour ce message de la part de : JNM039346, ivct
28 Aoû 2015 12:49 #221

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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

ben gribouille je te remercie énormément pour ce lien hyper instructif...sur Facebook une amie m'a posté , sur mon mur , la vidéo que j'ai mise ici, j'ai trouvé ça super intéressant, donc j'ai partagé sur fb et ici ...mais je ne connaissais pas spécialement le sujet ...ta vidéo est très explicite ...ça craint dans tous les coins avec ces abrutis d'hommes ...une tristesse...les animaux et ns après...destruction totale de la planète...avant l'heure cosmologique partage bien entendu sur fb ...merci gribouille !! ♥
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
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29 Aoû 2015 02:23 #222

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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

First reported to science in 1893, the Texas Banded Gecko (Coleonyx brevis) is the smallest of the six gecko species that call the Lower 48 home. Indeed, it is the smallest of all the North American geckos. A fully grown adult weighs barely two grams and is only four or five inches long. Females are generally a bit larger than males, but both sexes have delicate, slender bodies equipped with tails that ACCOUNT for about half of their total length.
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
31 Aoû 2015 04:25 #223
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

Opal | #Geology

Formula:SiO2 • nH2O
Colour:Colorless, white, various
Hardness:5½ - 6½
Amazing Geologist

Virgin Valley District, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA

Joe Budd Photography/ Gary White Collection
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
31 Aoû 2015 04:49 #224
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

Paradisier de Raggi -Raggiana bird-of-paradise
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
31 Aoû 2015 05:11 #225
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

Asiatic Cheetah's are extinct in India, very few roam in Iran.

Argentine scientists clone endangered Asiatic Cheetahs for first time ...

BUENOS AIRES, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Scientists from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) have successfully cloned an Asiatic Cheetah, a species in danger of extinction, local media announced Saturday.

In an unprecedented feat in the efforts to protect the fastest cat, researchers from the UBA's Faculty of Agriculture "for the first time in the world managed to attain an embryo for cloning," local daily Clarin said in a report.

"At the beginning of the last decade, there were scientists in India who had a plan to clone Asiatic Cheetahs. However, the objective was not achieved. Now, the clone -- at least in its embryo state -- was attained by a group led by veterinary Daniel Salamone," added the newspaper.

"It is important to check the viability of the zoo's cell bank and we could have descendants of cheetahs in the future. There is also the possibility that cloning could be useful in curing cheetahs from illnesses caused by stem cell derivation," concluded the expert.
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
Merci pour ce message de la part de : JNM039346
31 Aoû 2015 05:23 #226
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

Animal Facts

Though they are not chameleons, green anoles (ah-NO-lees) have the ability to change color. Naturally bright green, they can also turn yellow, brown, gray, or a color in-between. These lizards make no sounds and are generally 13-20 cm (5-8 in) long. They live in trees but also forage on the ground. The males are a little larger than the females. Also, males have a pink flap of skin hanging in an arc below their necks called a “dewlap” which they show off to attract females or scare away other males. They will also do push-ups and bob their heads in display.
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
31 Aoû 2015 22:49 #227
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"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
01 Sep 2015 03:27 #228
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

common around Australia
By Peter Styring
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
01 Sep 2015 03:42 #229
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Réponse de ivct sur le sujet Nature dans tous ses états

Rutile | #Geology

Colour:Blood red, brownish ...
Lustre:Adamantine, Metallic
Hardness:6 - 6½

Amazing Geologist
Beautiful coloured Rutile "rockets",
1,2mm high.
photo / collection: Fred Kruijen
"all we are:just a dust in the wind"
01 Sep 2015 14:28 #230
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