Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

09 Oct 2021 21:21 #31

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

Muscle Hill - Southwind Serena
Born : 2015 / Record : 1:50,2 / Purse : USD 812,300
Tactical Landing, who is the little brother of the super trotter and the World Record mare Mission Brief, was sold at Tattersalls in Lexington as a 1-year-old for the incomparable $ 800,000.

Tactical Landing was big already as a young horse and yet showed enormous resources in training. In August as a 2-year-old Tactical Landing won a qualification on The Red Mile with 27 lengths of 1.12.0 and coach Robert A Stewart thought he found the key on his capable trotter.

"He is a big horse with very big action and it has simply taken some time for him to get everything in place," Stewart said after the qualification.

But Stewart did not get a proper order on Tactical Landing as a two-year-old and after only two starts, the horse went to Jimmy Takter.

Tactical Landing qualified in June as a 3-year old at Meadowlands at 1.10.7a and the week after at 1.10.3a / 1609 meters. In his racing debut on July 6 for Takter, Tactical Landing finished second at 1.09.1a / 1609 meters, but did not reach the leading Classichap who did the race of his life.

After that Tactical Landing won three straight wins, including a qualification race for the Hambletonian. In the Hambletonian finale he raced brilliant as third after a position outside the leader the whole race. He continued the season winning the Bluegrass Series ($121,000), a heat in Kentucky Futurity 1.08.6a/1609 meters, Breeders Crown ($500,000), and in the last race he won in the TVG Open ($ 350,000) against older horses.

At 14 starts (9-2-2) as a 3-year old, Tactical Landing earned $810,800.

Tactical Landing's mother Southwind Serena, 1.10.7a - $388.784, finished her 3-year-old career winning the Breeders Crown ($500,000) and has been absolutely outstanding as a broodmare.
Tactical Landing, qui est le petit frère du super trotteur et de la jument record du monde Mission Brief, a été vendu à Tattersalls à Lexington à l'âge de 1 an pour l'incomparable 800 000 $.

Tactical Landing était déjà grand en tant que jeune cheval et pourtant a montré d'énormes ressources à l'entraînement. En août, à l'âge de 2 ans, Tactical Landing a remporté une qualification sur le Red Mile avec 27 longueurs de 1.12.0 et l'entraîneur Robert A Stewart a pensé qu'il avait trouvé la clé sur son trotteur capable.

"C'est un gros cheval avec une très grande action et il lui a simplement fallu un certain temps pour tout mettre en place", a déclaré Stewart après la qualification.

Mais Stewart n'a pas obtenu d'ordre approprié sur Tactical Landing à l'âge de deux ans et après seulement deux départs, le cheval est allé à Jimmy Takter.

Tactical Landing s'est qualifié en juin à l'âge de 3 ans à Meadowlands à 1.10.7a et la semaine suivante à 1.10.3a/1609 mètres. Lors de ses débuts en course le 6 juillet pour Takter, Tactical Landing a terminé deuxième à 1,09.1a / 1609 mètres, mais n'a pas atteint le leader Classichap qui a fait la course de sa vie.

Après cela, Tactical Landing a remporté trois victoires consécutives, dont une course de qualification pour le Hambletonian. Dans la finale Hambletonian, il a brillamment couru comme troisième après une position en dehors du leader toute la course. Il a poursuivi la saison en remportant les Bluegrass Series (121 000 $), une manche dans le Kentucky Futurity 1.08.6a/1609 mètres, Breeders Crown (500 000 $) et lors de la dernière course, il a remporté le TVG Open (350 000 $) contre des chevaux plus âgés.

À 14 départs (9-2-2) à 3 ans, Tactical Landing a gagné 810 800 $.

La mère de Tactical Landing, Southwind Serena, 1.10.7a - 388,784 $, a terminé sa carrière de 3 ans en remportant la Breeders Crown (500 000 $) et a été absolument exceptionnelle en tant que poulinière.


Stud fee USD 15.000

Booking fee varies in Europe.
09 Oct 2021 21:58 #32

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Réponse de caribou sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

UaUka1 écrit:

Muscle Hill - Southwind Serena

"He is a big horse with very big action and it has simply taken some time for him to get everything in place," Stewart said after the qualification.

Y'avait l'image, voila le son. Tout deviens plus clair :D
09 Oct 2021 23:29 #33

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Réponse de moncourt sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

lu dans Province courses sur le demi frère de Walner
Quel monstre !" Le titre de Sulkysport en dit long. Le 2 ans Tetrick Wania (Muscle Hill) a réalisé une nouvelle démonstration
jeudi soir en Suède, sur l'hippodrome d'Örebro, à l'occasion d'une des courses les plus attendues pour cette promotion en
cette période en Scandinavie : Svampen Örebro (Gr.2). Associé à son mentor Rekilä Riina, Tetrick Wania a séduit les
observateurs suédois par sa longue accélération continue jusqu'à l'arrivée. Son chrono d'1'14'' sur 1640m est bon mais ce
sont surtout les 1'10''2 lors de ses 800 derniers mètres qui ont été les plus marquants. Cela fait maintenant trois victoires et une
deuxième place en cinq courses pour ce poulain qui n'est autre que le demi frère duchampion Walner, celui-là même qui défraie la chronique
en tant que géniteur aux ventes aux États-Unis ! Né en Finlande, Tetrick Wania (par Muscle hill) avait justement été envoyé de l'autre côté de
l'Atlantique pour passer sur le ring mais faute de meilleures enchères que 80 000€ il était revenu chez Rekilä Riina, laquelle ne
regrette aucunement sa décision aujourd'hui !
Merci pour ce message de la part de : UaUka1
Dernière édition: 18 Oct 2021 08:22 par moncourt.
16 Oct 2021 16:53 #34

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington


the story about Ken Warkentin
Which I saw some years book

Some Pedigree Guru's criticized his highly inbreed pedigree, which was very colorful on Blodbanken
Also, some said he didn't produce

I can't remember if it is the breeder or maybe the owner
Came and fix the records right
he said this:-
The CARTEL big farms in the USA didn't use his champion, and he did not get the top mares like other champions
And monsieur was very very sad and pained how his champion devalued like DUST

Look the pedigree and you understand
18 Oct 2021 00:39 #35

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Réponse de moncourt sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

par principe (le mien) je n'apprécie pas les chevaux (ou les autres espèces) trop consanguins ...je remarque tout de mème que Ken Warkentin a eu 735 produits en 13 années (moyenne de 56 par an) dont 310 dans les 5 premières années aux USA. Depuis il se fait sa trentaine annuelle en Suède. Je pense plutot que sa désaffection vient du fait qu'il n'est pas vraiment facile à marier ( ses produits sont toujours à plus de 10% de consanguinité) et il doit aussi avoir un problème de fertilité. Il aurait par contre bien convenu aux sangs français.
18 Oct 2021 08:20 #36

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

Now the debate was saying exactly what you were about his huge inbreeding - that MAYBE that's why he didn't produce
While on Blodbanken there was another American championne who won millions it liked cousin married to a cousin in the pedigree, which because of the colorful pedigrees on Bloodbanken can look upsetting visually

Now is that pedigree the real solid truth - which it looks like 15% inbreeding while other sites say lesser about KW

So the breeder came into the debate and with a whole deal of testosterone expressed himself, the air of debate started being eclectic, he might have "Froisser" le Pedigree Guru
The breeder said he was hurt by the jealousy of the cartel, and said even Hanover Shoefarm, none of the big centers of elevage never sent a mare to stud even he arranged to give a royal treatment ( prices)
End of the debate they were very polite to each other, and both excused each other
A lovely story of a Breeder and a Pedigree Guru

A story of business or baizeness ?

D,Train mare of DHandover- look
now look at D, Hanover - I said many times the pedigree has 20yrs inform of USA breeding that's why he boomed to explode and become a top sire
- as do really thinks bloodlines( I told Vieborg somewhere) must be mated exactly within the same type of groupage

Look at
Muscles Yankee
Drinks Like a Fish
Mack Lobell - at his times
Muscle Massive
Royalty For Life

my list can be rather long, from Chefs de Race to champions, etc etc
What's the ambition for this sport?
Isn't it vanity?

In the USA their mentality is not like in the EU
- They are very entrepreneur and would change direction rather quickly if a subject is not working, that's why they are more quality winners are coming out of their system than the old EU and mostly rather France - the French who holds on even to a Groupe II winners and make him to a chef de race because of huge personalities like le Veils, Family Dubois, Comte, Vicomte, now PAllaire etc etc

- one of the funny stories was about near 30yrs back in my career was about the old Star's Pride and the branch Florestan - branch Passionnant & Podosis & Quito de Talony
While it was done doing those lines over Atlantic it was a big story here
-And the recent Nesmile and the galloping lines of Caprior with was a huge debate
-And recently a fan on Course- France - was talking about Galius and his maternal lines coming from the galop

-Studying many highly in-breed horses and outmatches - honestly i don't which foot to dance with, the end of the day - I would be like everyone, its money, and vanity
Dernière édition: 19 Oct 2021 14:07 par UaUka1.
19 Oct 2021 14:04 #37

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington


Coming back to Walner

And I know you like Chapter Seven ->La Riviera Lindy
-Me may notice the story of the XX-FACTORS- of the dame Vickie Hill- two stamps ( just like me and Dame d'Atout in Redemption Song mating and in Opale du Der)
-It was actually easy to marry this super mare Vickie Hill - all you had to do is put genetic clusters of both chefs Star's Pride & S.Crown and their branches - and provoke the pedigree and explose the affinities
-Where I may criticize the pedigree is because of Pine Chip ( who only carries 2XS.P and 1-SCrown)
-And bringing in Windsong's Legacy, we may enjoy the clusters of ( 7 stamps of S,P, and 2 Stamps of SC via a champion Speedy Somoli ( combination SC& SP)

My story about Pine Chip , goes back to Scarlet Knight, debating with my Scandinavian friends and mostly one from Norway Tina
We both concluded even he was a champion, his genetics were not as much as high compressed bloodlines with the two major Star's Pride and Speedy Crown lines, in what's doing over the Atlantic at his date of Naissance
So we decide to " wait and see"
And today talking about one piece of Genetics brings back some good old stories

My plead
Marry blocks of genetics eg: W,Legacy and KW
we may notice again the XX-factor via Yankee Windsong & Gratis Yankee equals Yankee Duchess ( i would elaborate but just look at her genetic make-up)
And the out-matched the R.Factor theory filly in KW ->Victorious Lou x2times- ( but still had huge affinities, that pushes her forward in breeding)
Front Porch Swing - is advanced breeding of Speedster lines
This Walner will be interesting to look at how and why they bought the top-price

Finland - is an expression of and wonderful to elite mare both on the tracks and in the stud Rosemary
And surely V. Lou is manipulated

Tetrick Wania - i can a long romance about this brilliant breeder - who works very hard, and knows his broodmare and provokes his destiny

My story is like a " letter in the poster"
Perfect age-gap marriage and Mister Muscle Hill world is the top generator
Just marry XY Muscle Yankee and KW - you provoke the store of Victorious Lou ( again) in perfection
-for reference the super Emily's Pride( crack) and mare of lines - filly of Star's Pride - who was known for determination
-Mated with many stamps of Speedy Crown - know for his Speed
-Notice Speedy Somolli - who was known for his sires are 'bai-fonce' - becomes record owns of piste and of great talent and speed

i stop because i am getting tired and if i go on i wouldn't stop writing
I will correct after - posted - boom
20 Oct 2021 12:17 #38

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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington


look pedigree of Bella Belini - and Lexington to filly pedigree

24 Oct 2021 10:51 #39
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Réponse de UaUka1 sur le sujet Les ventes de yearlings de Lexington

lonely lady- isn't on Bladbanken ( yet) - so I simulated the pedigree and put Little Jigger ( who is on Blodbanken)
-The story goes that the top-priced filly in Lexington $510,000 - you may enjoy the simulation above with Walner

Story Part II
Bar Hopping (US) m. 2013 stallion and father of Bella Bellini
Bar Hopping is also - the proper brother of Lonely Lady
Dernière édition: 24 Oct 2021 11:02 par UaUka1.
24 Oct 2021 11:01 #40

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